Back To Basics

Just when I thought I had the victory formula figured out for these Celtics, (i.e., go with the kids and live or die with that), both Al Jefferson and Kendrick Perkins got hurt. So much for that strategy. Doc Rivers then came up with Plan B--go to the "old" guy, run two basic sets so that the new guy (Wally) doesn't get too confused and let Delonte West (the remaining healthy/proven kid) run the floor.
Guess what? "Plan Simple" is working. With two solid wins in their pockets, the back to basics C's look like they have some flow and consistency. Their 102-94 win over Orlando featured the now expected 30 plus points for Paul Pierce (31, actually) and 24 from Wally Szczerbiak. Even Ryan Gomes got 14 in his first career start on the kid-depleted Celtics.
So, what do we make of this? God knows. Anybody out there is welcome to try and figure out this very strange Green team.
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